Now I'm a huge Tom Clancy fan. However, something about Red Storm Rising just wasn't the same as, say, Rainbow Six, The Hunt for Red October, or Cardinal of the Kremlin. There was just something missing. Granted, it's a good book. If you have enough time and no preoccupations, read it. But you'll see what I mean. It's typical Clancy fare, take that how you will, the closest I've ever gotten to reading an action movie, but there are some small issues, namely the fact that despite all the pages (700+ paperback), when you get to the end, you still are left looking for a significant event. Sure, it's got good battles through most of the thing, and the Clancy characters are as good as always, but something just is missing. Sum of All Fears had a terrorist plot, Red October had a terrorist plot, Teeth of the Tiger had a terrorist plot, Patriot Games had a terrorist plot, all those happened to be engaging. Red Storm Rising is engaging, but it opens with a bang and closes with a whisper, not satisfying all the questions the reader had, but not preparing them for a sequel, either, and all we get to see is a massive battle in Russia, and a handful of impressive battles between NATO and Warsaw Pact members, but there is almost no plot.

Still, the writing was good, so I'll give it a 4/5.